Lana loves books. One of her current favourites is Over in the Meadow. Tonight at bedtime, Lana wanted to "read" the book by herself while I took a video of her (nb - by "read", I mean she's pretty much memorised it, and with minimal prompts, she can recite the entire book). There was much silliness, but we managed to catch this little video of her:
Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun
Lived an old mother turtle and her little turtle - one
"Dig" said his mother, "I dig" said the one
So he dug all day in the sand in the sun
Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother duck and her little ducklings - two
"Quack" said their mother, "We quack" said the two
So they quacked all day where the stream runs blue
Over in the meadow in a hole in a tree
Lived an old mother owl and her little owls - three
"To-whoo" said their mother, "To-whoo" said the three
So they to-whooed all day in a hole in the tree
Over in the meadow by the big barn door
Lived an old mother mouse and her little mice - four
"Squeak" said their mother, "We squeak" said the four
So they squeaked all day by the big barn door
Over in the meadow in a snug beehive
Lived an old mother bee and her little bees - five
"Buzz" said their mother, "We buzz" said the five
So they buzzed all day round their snug beehive
Over in the meadow in a nest built of sticks
Lived an old mother squirrel and her little squirrels - six
"Jump" said their mother, "We jump" said the six
So they jumped all day round their nest build of sticks
Over in the meadow where the grass grows so even
Lived an old mother frog and her little froggies - seven
"Hop" said their mother, "We hop" said the seven
So they hopped all day where the grass grows so even
Over in the meadow near the little mossy gate
Lived an old mother lizard and her little lizards - eight
"Run" said their mother, "We run" said the eight
So they ran all day on the little mossy gate
Over in the meadow by the tall Scots pine
Lived an old mother pig and her little piglets - nine
"Oink" said their mother, "We oink" said the nine
So they oinked all day near the tall Scots pine
Over in the meadow in a cozy wee den
Lived an old mother fox and her little foxes - ten
"Play" said their mother, "We play" said the ten
So they played all day round their cozy wee den
Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun:
One turtle digs
Two ducklings quack
Three owls to-whoo
Four mice squeak
Five bees buzz
Six squirrels jump
Seven frogs hop
Eight lizards run
Nine pigs oink
Ten foxes play
Over in the meadow till the end of the day